AWS Switch Roles Extension

If, like us, you have multiple AWS accounts that you switch between, it can be difficult to keep track. Especially as by default AWS only stores your 5 most recent accounts. Luckily there is a Google Chrome extension that allows us to configure the dropdown with order and with many more accounts.

First you will want to head to the Chrome Web Store and download and install the extension:

AWS Extent Switch Roles

AWS Extend Switch Roles Webpage

One installed you should see the green key logo appear in the top right of the Google Chrome Window, next to settings.

Click on the icon, then open Configuration. You will then be presented with the following screen.

The configuration for this extension is pretty simple and is based of the configuration for your “~/.aws/config” file used for the AWS CLI. 

Just add each account like I have below. I have also checked the Hide Original Role History” box to keep only these roles.

If you want to make any further changes, there is also a handy configuration guide next to the configuration.

Once you are done, hit save and head back to the amazon console and refresh your page. Now when you switch roles, you’ll see there is a tidy list with all your accounts.