OpenVPN Client – MacOS

For MacOS you have a choice clients, the most popular clients are Viscosity (paid) and Tunnelblick (free).



Viscosity costs $14 (April 2020) and is available to download from:

Once installed the process for importing your VPN client is fairly straightforward, simply extract the zip file which was sent to you and then.

In the top right of your screen you will find a new icon, which has a circle with a padlock:

Click on this icon and a menu will appear.

Choose ‘Preferences…’

Next you should click the ‘+’ in the bottom left of this window.

Select Import Connection and then From File.

Navigate to the directory where your configuration files were extracted and select the .conf file.

Once complete, click ‘Open’ and a new configuration should have appeared.

Right click on the new connection and select Connect.

You are now connected to the Imagicloud VPN!